2023-2024 WWP Registration

This year we will be doing 2 different Bible Studies. We are starting off with Reclaiming Friendship and then we will have Rooted and Radiant. You can ready more about these wonderful bible studies below.

We will also be offering 3 different attendance options; Thursday evenings in person, Thursday evenings virtually and Friday mornings. 

Thursday Calendar                    Friday Calendar


Do you desire lasting and abiding friendships? Do you want to move beyond the past hurts of relationships gone wrong? Reclaiming Friendship was written for any woman who wants a true and deep connection that lasts. 

Explore what it takes to stay close for the long haul, what to look for in a friend, and how to navigate toxic relationships. There is a way to protect your heart without closing yourself off from future intimacy. The key is found in discovering God’s plan for friendship, which was meant to be a foretaste of Heaven.

In a world plagued by loneliness, you are invited to encounter God personally through Scripture. Let God reshape how you see and experience intentional relationships, deal with your past friendship wounds, and become a woman who is capable of the lifelong bond of true friendship.

Reclaiming Friendship is ideal if you…

  • Are lonely and desire lasting friendships
  • Need to know and understand what it means that God created each of us in His image
  • Crave an authentic community, the kind in which we experience His joy and goodness

Rooted and Radiant was written for any woman who wants to live her life grounded in Jesus Christ. In this Bible study, we learn the book of Colossians verse by verse. We will seek to understand the challenges that faced the Colossians, recognizing that they are remarkably similar to our own challenges today.

Through this Bible study, we dive deep into understanding who Jesus is and what that means for us. We learn how to abide in the wisdom of Christ to navigate the ever-increasing demands and messages of our culture, and what it means to live in the freedom of Christ and how to continually set our minds on Him.

Rooted and Radiant is ideal if you want to...

  • Know Jesus as He is
  • Know how to stay faithful in the middle of a culture that is constantly telling you that Christ is not enough
  • Know how to sift through the modern messages that are being thrown at you
  • Be able to compare the glamour of the world to the infinite value of “being in Christ”